I Am Going To The Latvian National Museum of Art! Latvia’s first Ability Guidebook!

I’m very proud to announce Latvia is the  seventh country to have Ability Guidebooks! This museum has a wonderful collection of classical and modern Latvian artists!  Hopefully I can get this translated into Latvian to help local people visit the museum.

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Ability Guidebook_ I Am Going To The Latvian National Museum of Art!

Helsinki, I love you! One More Ability Guidebook for Finland! Senate Square.

To wrap up Ability Guidebooks Explore Finland we have a final book!  This one is for Senate Square.

cover Senate Square Helsinki

Ability Guidebook_ I Am Going To Senate Square!

I Am Going To The Helsinki Cathedral! Supports for People with Autism in Finland!

The fourth Ability Guidebook for Finland is for their most famous building! I present:

cover Helsinki Cathedral

Ability Guidebook_ I Am Going To Helsinki Cathedral!

I Am Going To Ride The Helsinki Metro! A New Ability Guidebook for Finland!

In a perfect world every airport, train station and metro would have books like these!  Here is my third book for Finland!

cover Helsinki Metro

Ability Guidebook_ I Am Going To Ride The Helsinki Metro!

I Am Going To Kaisaniemi Botanic Garden! An Ability Guidebook for Helsinki, Finland (autism supports)

Helsinki now has two Ability Guidebooks!  I present:

cover Kaisaniemi Botanic Garden

Ability Guidebook_ I Am Going To Kaisaniemi Botanic Garden

Finland! A New Ability Guidebook! A New Country! I Am Going To The Ateneum!

My first book for Finland is finished in English, not Finnish!  I am thrilled to announce: I Am Going To The Ateneum Art Museum!

Cover Ateneum

Ability Guidebook_ I Am Going To The Ateneum Art Museum!

Another Ability Guidebook for Estonia. I Am Going To The Niguliste Museum!

To round out my books for the Art Museum of Estonia I give you: I Am Going To The Niguliste Museum!

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Ability Guidebook_ I Am Going To The Niguliste Museum!

I Am Going To The KUMU! A New Ability Guidebook for Estonia!

I am thrilled to announce another international Ability Guidebook! This one is for the KUMU art museum in Tallinn, Estonia!

Cover KUMU

Ability Guidebook_ I Am Going To The KUMU! corrected

Ability Guidebook! I Am Going To The Mikkel Museum In Tallinn, Estonia

Here is my newest Ability Guidebook for the Mikkel Museum in Tallinn, Estonia!  I am excited to offer these supports for people in Estonia who have autism.  If you speak Estonian, I’d love to get them translated!

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Ability Guidebook_ I Am Going To The mikkel museum