Random House Magazine is carrying one of my essays. Check it out.

I am so pleased that Random House Magazine is carrying a series of blogs about the Social Justice Book List. I’m even more pleased that one of them is mine–I think I have a lot to say on this subject!



The First Ability Guidebook For Asia! I Am Going To Sanam Luang! A Free Support For People With Autism In Bangkok.

In the afternoons in Bangkok people flock to Sanam Luang to fly kites. It is the most amazing sight–hundreds of kites looping and soaring around each other. It doesn’t hurt that the backdrop to the acrobatic kites is the Thai Royal Palace.

This is my first Guidebook for Asia and I am thrilled it is for a country I have visited so many times and love so dearly. I have visited many schools in Thailand and I hope my teacher friends there can make good use of this book!

Ability Guidebook_ I Am Going To Sanam Luang!

With love to the land of smiles!

Ability Guidebook_ I Am Going To Sanam Luang!

This week I am a guest blogger for Larry Ferlazzo


This summer I have been mighty busy.  Since the spring I have had blogs on the Tyler Clemente Foundation webpage, EducationPost, EdWeekly as well as a few others.  Ten in total and that feels like I am sharing my message far and wide.  This week I am honored to be a guest blogger for Larry Ferlazzo. It also happens to be the week we put the NNSTOY Social Justice Booklist out to the public. Please enjoy and share to get the word out!Ferdinand-was-a-creature-1au19c7-126fl8w